Iowa Democratic Veterans’ Caucus
E-Board Meeting – Minutes
Thursday, September 6, 2018 – 18:00 (6:00 pm)
Waverly Public Library – 1500 W Bremer Ave, Waverly, IA 50677
Call-in number: 319-527-2768, access code: 107040
1. Call to Order – 18:00 (6:00 pm)
2. Approve Agenda
Motion to approve agenda: m/Larry Olk, s/Laura Hubka, Pass
3. Introductions
Ron Healey, Larry Olk, Joe Stutler, Tom Howe, Laura Hubka, Hannah Cregan (Finkenauer), James Maren, Jan Donatelli (DNC VMFC Co-Chair), Shelly Servadio
Jan gave an update from the DNC VMFC. Jan recently cited Iowa as an example of how Dem Vets do it right in an interview with the New York Times.
Hannah gave update from Finkenauer campaign. Abby now has “Standing With Our Veterans” on her site!
4. Financial Report
PAC Income & Expenditures
Current bank balance $338.33. Motion to approve financial report: m/Laura Hubka, s/Tom Howe, Pass
Need to get updated list of needs for fundraising.
5. Amend Caucus Charter
Contact Mike Jesse to get updated Charter, research any needed changes.
6. Job Titles
Keep in mind the difference between the IDVC and the PAC.
7. Legislative issues:
RAMP (Rapid Appeals Modernization Program)
a) Stated purpose to expedite claim process
b) No assurance of review by judges
c) If rejected there may be no appeal
d) If used cannot return to standard claim process
e) While claim is in RAMP process VA reserves right to adjust previous awards
VA is getting heavy pressure from Veteran Service Organizations to stop the RAMP process. We need to keep the pressure up and fix the law.
Discussion of various other Veterans legislation needed.
11. Good of the Order
12. Adjourn 19:30 (7:30 pm)
Handouts, etc:
Vet Benefits by % groupings 1986 – 2016
Vet Benefits Iowa
Vet facts 2014 from VA
vet facts 2017 PEW research
Vet facts summary 2016 from VA
Vet facts summary 2018 from VA
Vet Occupations and Class of Worker by age 2016 data 2018 report VA
Vets by state 2015 from VA
Vets internet use
WWII vets factsheet VA 2010