E-Board Meeting Agenda – 20180906

Iowa Democratic Veterans’ Caucus
E-Board Meeting – Agenda
Thursday, September 6, 2018 – 6:00 pm
Waverly Public Library – 1500 W Bremer Ave, Waverly, IA 50677
Call-in number: 319-527-2768, access code: 107040

1. Call to Order

2. Approve Agenda

3. Introductions

4. Financial Report
PAC Income & Expenditures

5. Job Titles
Mixing of functions
The “Board” outranks everything in a corporation
District Liaisons runs “ALL” (one voting liaison per district)

6. Votes
4 votes (one per district)
Approval requires 2 votes (24 hour minimum)

7. Amend Caucus Charter
#3 Steering Committee Membership (voting)
7th Line, 4th & 5th word (Alternates)
Add: (non-voting)

8. RAMP (Rapid Appeals Modernization Program)
a) Stated purpose to expedite claim process
b) No assurance of review by judges
c) If rejected there may be no appeals
d) If used cannot return to standard claim process
e) While claim is in RAMP process VA reserves right to adjust previous awards

9. Campaign Updates

10. Upcoming IDVC Events

11. Good of the Order

12. Adjourn (NLT 8:00 pm)

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